Grief & Loss Coaching

footprints in sand dunes leading to a group of people in the distance framed against sunrise

I can help you to process loss and ultimately lead a happier life

Loss (of any type - loved one, health, career, pet, money, relationship etc) is an inevitable part of life so why is it often so badly handled? Unprocessed grief can form knots of damaging and heavy pain, blocking us from leading a full life and influencing our present and future behaviours and choices. We cannot fix or ‘move on’ from grief but it is possible to move forward carrying it and ‘lead a rich life with something missing’.

  • Grief is the normal and natural emotional response to loss, but most of the information out there about dealing with loss is just plain wrong.

    Although our Support Groups involve some educational and practical elements, effective recovery requires emotional support too.

    Programmes offered are mostly online and best undertaken in small groups over a couple of months. However, there are occasional options for 1:1 support and/or in-person in-room sessions as well as intensives.

    I use a mix of evidence based exercises and approaches from Bereavement Counselling, Grief Recovery, Clinical Hypnotherapy and Coaching to help you with your own individual loss and needs. To discuss options:

    Email Anne-Marie on:

    am[@] or

    Book a discovery call

  • During UK Grief Awareness Week, find out more about how to live a fulfilled life whilst carrying loss via this free short live webinar.

    Booking essential - follow the links:

    Mon Dec 2nd 7.30pm

    Tues Dec 3rd 11am

  • Don’t wait any longer - book onto a course NOW to look forward to a happier life.

    Next Group: once a min of 3 people have signed up we will confirm dates.

    8 weekly online sessions in small groups of between 3 & 9 people.

    Cost: £150

    (if you can afford to subsidise another who needs the course but cannot afford it, OR you wish to apply for a part bursary, please get in touch!)

    Complete An Application Form

    Make Payment

    Book a Discovery Call

    Check calendar for dates

    Join the mailing list

  • Can't commit to a weekly session over 2 months? Join a group meeting for 4 hours once a week every week for a month OR complete over 2 weekends.

    Next group starts when we have a minimum of 3 people signed up - times/dates set by these 1st 3 people.

    Some reading and homework is required between sessions. Groups are kept small and commit to total confidentiality & non-judgemental support creating a safe space to discuss this sticky topic. Completion gives access to regular alumni groups so follow-up support is always available.

    Cost of Course: £150

    ‘Support Another’ rate (contribute towards a place for someone in need) and bursaries may be available. Email, discuss on a discovery call or note on application

    Complete An Application Form

    Make Payment

    Book A Discovery Call

    Email Enquiry

  • The relationships we form with our pets are often some of the closest and deepest connections we form in life. Each of these relationships are so very special and unique, as are the feelings of unconditional love we experience from them. Often others may minimise our feelings when a pet dies - or make well meaning yet unhelpful suggestions such as ‘just get another one’.

    The Pet Loss Support Programme provides helpful information and proven tools to effectively help you with the emotional pain surrounding losing a beloved pet.

    Online support group sessions over 2 months (1 ssession a week) OR intensive (run over 2 days)

    Investment: £150 Standard Rate; £80

    See Calendar for dates

    Apply & be invited when places are available

    Make Payment

    Join mailing list

    Questions? Email Anne-Marie

    or book a discovery call

  • While I encourage people to sign up to a group for more effective recovery, It is possible to do the work one-on-one. This allows you the privacy to discuss your emotional pain with someone who has used the same tools they are offering you, in order to deal with loss that has impacted your life.

    6-9 (depending on personal needs) private online sessions at times to suit you.

    Investment: £250

    Book A 'Discovery Call'
    Email Enquiry: Grief Recovery 1:1

  • Those who have already undertaken some grief/loss coaching, often find it so helpful that they wish to continue the work and prefer to do this with support.

    For this we have the Alumni Continuation Programme.

    2 half day workshops - usually online.

    Cost: £60

    Also available: online 1:1 sessions - contact for cost & availability.

    See Calendar for dates

    Apply & be notified as soon as places are available

    Join the mailing list to stay updated

    Questions? Email Anne-Marie
    or book a discovery call

  • Q: Can it be too soon to start a grief recovery programme?

    A: No! The sooner the better in an ideal world. ‘Time Heals All Wounds’ is a commonly quoted myth. In the immediate aftermath of a loss, memories are most vivid and accurate and therefore it is easier to access finished and unfinished business.

    Q: Can it be too late for grief recovery?

    A: No! It’s always possible to do the work to deal with heartbreak. Time doesn’t heal but actions do and it’s never too late to take those actions and feel lighter! Why wait any longer?

    Q: Will I have to share embarrassing personal stuff with a group of strangers?

    A: Grief & Loss programmes work well when you join a group because you find ‘companions in grief’ - if feels good to support others and you feel less alone with your feelings as you gain the support of people who are going through loss also. Each group is closed to new members after the 2nd session and commits to respect and confidentiality to create a safe space. It’s always your personal choice how much you decide to share as long as whatever you do reveal is honest, the process can be effective. If you really can’t bear to work on your grief amongst others, there is the option of doing the programme 1:1 with the GRM Specialist to support you.

    Q: Do I have to attend all sessions?

    A: The programme is not a ‘quick fix’. You will need to commit to taking each consecutive step PLUS complete reading and writing assignments between sessions. Should an unexpected emergency arise, the facilitator will make every effort to reschedule or catch you up, but for the programme to work effectively and for the sake of others in your group, you should aim to be present for all sessions.

    Q: Which programme should I join?

    A: The main programme is the Living With Loss Course as it helps you to address your loss, whatever that might be. You can then be more equipped to deal with other losses and respond more helpfully to others experiencing loss (including children). Recovery from pain is most effective in a support group so if you can manage to join a group we recommend this. However, we do offer 1:1 support where preferred.

    There is a special Pet Loss Group because not everyone understands the emotional bond with pets and it’s often more comfortable to work towards recovery from pet loss in a group of like-minded people.

    Q: Does Grief and Loss Coaching guarantee complete freedom from grief?

    A: If you commit to the exercises and steps in the order given and work with honesty, the programme will enable you to feel lighter & able to live well, despite loss. It is not a ‘cure’ - anyone who has experienced loss will know that it remains part of you. We are not aiming to eradicate feelings or experiences but simply show you how to relieve the pain caused by regret (wishing things could be better, more or different), be more present in the present and look forward to a happier future feeling more ‘complete’.

    Most people have several major painful losses in their lifetime. You may wish to join the alumni programme for people who wish to tackle additional losses but once you've completed one of the full courses, you will have the tools and understanding to tackle these on your own if necessary.

    Q: How can I help others in pain?

    A: There are 3 great ways you can help others: (1) Tell them about the courses (2) Donate into the UTCT Grief and Loss fund so more bursary places can be offered for more people. (3) Respond to them in the ways you have been taught after completing the programme yourself - using the new tools and approaches, acknowledging feelings and their honest expression.

    Q: I really need to do one of the programmes but truly cannot afford it. What do I do?

    A: There are some bursary places on most courses - on the application form, state that you will be asking for a bursary place. OR if preferred, email Anne-Marie (am[at] .

    Q: I have a question that is not covered here - what should I do?

    A: Book a Discovery Call to find out more.