Action Learning

A simple but powerful personal & professional development tool that builds connection, high performance teams and learning organisations

action learnning circle

Work on real problems within a safe, confidential framework and implement solutions with the support of a coach & peers.

UTCT Action/Peer Learning applies an accredited structured format (World Institute of Action Learning) the principles of Reg Revans and the guidance of an experienced group learning facilitator/action learning coach.

Each ‘Set’ consists of a small number of individuals committed to meeting up to create a confidential, supportive and challenging group for the agreed duration of the Set. Sets are physical or virtual, made up of in-house teams or independents.

Develop skills such as active listening, curious non-judgemental questioning, reflective practice and action planning. By working co-operatively, objectively and outside of any heirarchies on real immediate issues, the group can move to a higher level of learning.

Participants gain:

  • space for reflection & critical thinking

  • learning to take back to the workplace

  • support, challenge, insight & alternative perspectives

  • new knowledge, ideas and ways to bring about change

  • chance to test beliefs, assumptions and ideas

  • professional development & leadership skills

  • sense of connection and access to new networks

  • greater self-awareness and emotional intelligence


  • Apply Now New cohorts start Autumn and Spring

  • Free introductory sessions - see calendar for dates

  • 6 sessions (usually monthly online)

  • Small, curated groups

  • Further CPD opportunities following participation

  • Sliding scale fees:

    • £180 (fee paid by employers/ income >25k/ able to pay)

    • £12o (fee paid by individual/ income <25k/ able to pay)

      Information on bursaries available on request

    Question? Email / book a Call

    View Calendar for dates

    Complete an Application

    For bursary rates, early bird & special offers, as well as notifications of new dates: join the mailing list


A certified Action Learning Coach can enable:

  • Breakthrough problem-solving

  • Learning organisations

  • Cohesive teams

  • Leadership development

  • Community impact

To discuss how I can help your business, group, team or work, Book An Online Meeting, Email or complete an application and I will contact you.


Would you like to become an Action Learning Coach, learn a variety of facilitation tools and approaches, enhance your leadership skills and/or offer powerful team or community development opportunities?

Train with UTCT as a Facilitator and/or gain additional external certification as an Action Learning Coach.

Email Anne-Marie or Book a Call to discuss options

DROP INs (online)

  • 90 min online sessions, (Note: prior AL experience required in order to participate)

  • Alternating 1st Tuesday/2nd Friday of the months September-June (inclusive)

  • Annual Subscription: £60-£150 (sliding scale)

  • Pay as you go option: £25

    Pay for a place

    Email (queries/invoice/monthly installments)

    Mailing list for updates

    Check calendar for dates

  • "Being able to examine problems or issues outside of an immediate work context helps reduce the pressure on finding an immediate solution. I think more clearly"

    Head Of Small Charity

  • "I truly enjoyed taking part in the group. I valued the level of trust and encouragement regular participants built up"

    Local Authority Officer

  • "The group dynamic really helped to bring fresh and neutral perspectives to bear on the situation."

    Senior Manager, Cultural Organisation

  • "I found it immensely helpful in considering solutions to life & career problems, which are often sensitive and need to be kept confidential"

    Artistic Director

  • "...I realised I wasn't the only one struggling. Action Learning made me feel so much more positive. I'm still in touch with some of the group 3 years later!"

    Founder - Small Business