1:1 Integrative Coaching

Applying tools and techniques from Management Consultancy, Coaching, EMDR, Clinical Hypnotherapy, Stress Management and Living Systems, to support through change.

I act as confidential counsel, soundboard, thinking partner. I can help you to recognise your ‘why’, determine your ‘how’, align your values and bring more authenticity, fulfilment and ‘flow’ to work and life. Should you have specific blocks or struggle with loss, pain or trauma, ask about my ‘Processing Loss’ or ‘Mind Update & Reset’ courses.

Let’s discuss how we can work together: book a free discovery call or email me

Learn more about me & Under The Carob Trees


Integrative Coaching: usually blocks of 6-12 sessions, sliding scale fee based on income

EMDR/Hypnotherapy: usually minimum of 3 sessions. £60 per session, discounts for blocks

Mind Update & Reset: course of 6-10 sessions £350

Processing Loss: course of 6-10 sessions £350

Personal Retreat: intensive 1:1 retreat either in ‘hybrid’ form or in Spain - email or book a discovery call for personalised quote

Executive/Business/Leadership Coaching: variable - quote available following discussion