6 Step Courses:

*Processing Grief & Loss*

*Mind Update & Reset*

footprints in sand dunes leading to a group of people in the distance framed against sunrise

Processing Grief & Loss:

Loss (of any type - loved one, health, career, pet, money, relationship etc) is an inevitable part of life so why is it often so badly handled? Unprocessed grief can form knots of damaging and heavy pain, blocking us from leading a full life and influencing our present and future behaviours and choices. We cannot fix or ‘move on’ from grief but it is possible to live a rich life whilst carrying it.

  • Grief is the normal and natural emotional response to loss, but most of the information out there about dealing with loss is just plain wrong.

    Programmes offered are mostly online and best undertaken in small groups over a couple of months. However, there are options for 1:1 support and/or occasional in-person in-room sessions as well as intensives.

    I use a mix of evidence based exercises and approaches from Bereavement Counselling, Grief Recovery, Clinical Hypnotherapy and Coaching to help you with your own individual loss and needs.

    Rates: £350 for a course of 6-10 private sessions. £175 for group programmes.

    Email Anne-Marie on:

    am[@]underthecarobtrees.com or

    Book a discovery call

  • Are you struggling with motivation, blocks or depression? Or perhaps you just want a better quality of life.

    This programme will walk you through some practical steps aimed at reducing stress, tackling depression and anxiety, processing trauma, removing blocks and freeing you from patterns of thinking that are holding you back.

    Fee: €350 (6-10 private sessions)

    Email Anne-Marie on:

    am[@]underthecarobtrees.com or

    Book a discovery call

  • Q: Can it be too soon to start a processing loss programme?

    A: No! The sooner the better in an ideal world. ‘Time Heals All Wounds’ is a commonly quoted myth. In the immediate aftermath of a loss, memories are most vivid and accurate and therefore it is easier to access finished and unfinished business.

    Q: Can it be too late for grief recovery?

    A: No! It’s always possible to do the work to deal with heartbreak. Time doesn’t heal but actions do and it’s never too late to take those actions and feel lighter! Why wait any longer?

    Q: Will I have to share embarrassing personal stuff with a group of strangers in the group programmes?

    A: Programmes work well when you join a group because you find companions - if feels good to support others and you feel less alone. Especially as you share life experiences with others.

    Group programmes are closed to new members after the 2nd session and commit to respect and confidentiality to create a safe space. It’s always your personal choice how much you decide to share as long as whatever you do reveal is honest, the process can be effective. If you really can’t bear to work on your challenges amongst others, there is the option of doing the programme on a private 1:1 basis.

    Q: Do I have to attend all sessions?

    A: These programmes are not a ‘quick fix’. You will need to commit to taking each consecutive step PLUS complete some work on your own between sessions. However, each session is carefully composed to help you build a better life and if you don’t start to feel better after 3 sessions, you can cancel and get your money back,, I’m so confident in these courses!

    Q: Which programme should I join?

    A: The Processing Loss Course will help you to address unresolved pain you are carrying from loss, whatever that might be.

    There is a special Pet Loss Group because not everyone understands the emotional bond with pets and it’s often more comfortable to work towards recovery from pet loss in a group of like-minded people.

    Q: Does Grief and Loss Coaching guarantee complete freedom from grief?

    A: If you commit to the exercises and steps in the order given and work with honesty, the programme will enable you to feel lighter & able to live well, despite loss. It is not a ‘cure’ - anyone who has experienced loss will know that it remains part of you. We are not aiming to eradicate feelings or experiences but simply show you how to relieve the pain caused by regret (wishing things could be better, more or different), be more present in the present and look forward to a happier future feeling more ‘complete’.

    Most people have several major painful losses in their lifetime. You may wish to join the alumni programme for people who wish to tackle additional losses but once you've completed one of the full courses, you will have the tools and understanding to tackle these on your own if necessary.

    Q: What is ‘Mind Update & Reset’?

    A: This is a 6 step programme which identifies neural patterns and responses formed from your past but which are now causing you to feel stuck. By gradually peeling away blocks caused by stress, trauma and limiting beliefs you can refresh your outlook and live a happier life.

    Q: I really need to do one of the programmes but truly cannot afford it. What do I do?

    A: There are some bursary places on most courses - on the application form, state that you will be asking for a bursary place. OR if preferred, email Anne-Marie (am[at]underthecarobtrees.com) .

    Q: I have a question that is not covered here - what should I do?

    A: Book a Discovery Call to find out more.